About Us

Embracing Heritage, Shaping Futures

In the heart of a vibrant cultural tapestry, Baba Gabra was born — a passion project by the next generation of Peranakans. Our journey began not just as a quest to preserve a rich legacy, but as a movement to propel the Peranakan spirit into the next century.

At Baba Gabra, tradition isn't just remembered; it's reinvented. We believe in the timelessness of our heritage, but also in its capacity to evolve. Our platform is a celebration of this duality — a place where age-old traditions meet contemporary creativity.

Our founders, descendants of the Peranakan lineage, realized that while the world changed, the colorful threads of our culture remained an integral part of our identity. Yet, there was a gap — a bridge between the old and the new that needed to be crossed. Baba Gabra is that bridge.

We give voice to young Baba and Nyonya artisans, empowering them to weave their stories into every design. These creators aren't just preserving a legacy; they are the torchbearers of a cultural renaissance, infusing traditional motifs with a modern flair.

But Baba Gabra is more than a brand. It's a community and an educational hub. Here, younger Peranakans can delve deep into their roots, learning and embracing the beauty of their heritage. We organize workshops, share resources, and create conversations, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Peranakan culture.

In every product, every event, and every story, Baba Gabra stands as a testament to a culture that's as vibrant today as it was centuries ago — a culture that's growing, evolving, and inspiring new generations.


Baba Gabra: Weaving Tradition with Modernity

Welcome to Baba Gabra, where the rich heritage of the Peranakan community meets the vibrant pulse of modern design. We are more than just a brand; we are a mission-driven platform dedicated to keeping the Peranakan spirit alive and thriving into the future.

Our Vision

To create a world where Peranakan culture is not just a chapter in history books but a living, evolving narrative. We aim to ensure that our beautiful traditions not only survive but flourish, embracing modernity while honoring our roots.

Our Mission

Baba Gabra serves as a canvas for young Peranakan talent — the Babas and Nyonyas of today — to showcase their creativity. Our platform is their stage, where traditional designs are reimagined with contemporary artistry. Each product tells a story, each collection carries the legacy of our ancestors.

Community and Education

We're committed to nurturing a community where learning and sharing go hand in hand. Baba Gabra is a space for education and engagement, offering workshops, resources, and platforms for young Peranakans and anyone interested in our culture. We believe in the power of knowledge to connect and empower.

Join Our Journey

Explore our collections, read our stories, and be a part of the Baba Gabra experience. Whether you're seeking to adorn your home with unique decor, looking to learn about Peranakan culture, or wanting to connect with your roots — you're in the right place.

Together, let's carry the torch of our heritage into a new era — with respect, creativity, and passion.